Following my fine arts degree from Emily Carr University in 2011 and my degree in architecture and environmental design from the University of British Columbia in 2016, I have worked on several creative projects for government, non-profit organizations and the private sector.
Scientific Illustrations: Methods of Capturing Juvenile Salmon
University of California, Davis, 2025
Marine ecologist Sean Godwin and his colleagues commissioned an isometric diagram to visually describe the five methods of capturing juvenile salmon in the early marine environment that are outlined in their paper.
Juvenile salmon are captured to assess the health of the fish and of the ecosystem. I worked with his team to illustrate a beach seine, a miniature purse seine, a conventional purse seine, a micro-troll and a rope trawl.
Salmon Watersheds Lab
SFU, Burnaby, BC, 2024
The Salmon Watersheds lab at Simon Fraser University run by Jon Moore commissioned a watercolour painting that would act as a visual summary of the work done by the lab.
The lab works with a primary focus on salmon systems from headwaters to estuaries to inform conservation. With this in mind, I created a composition that shows chum salmon spawners in the estuary environment, juvenile coho salmon heading out to sea and the headwater mountains and scientists in the background.
The final watercolour painting, 9x12" 2024
Juvenile coho salmon close up
One of the juvenile salmon sketches
A compilation of sketches of Jon Moore and chum salmon
An early sketch shared with the client to generate feedback
Salmon Coast Field Station
Echo Bay, Broughton Archipelago, BC, 2023
This remote research institute on Gilford Island hosts volunteers alongside their wild salmon scientists. They were in need of an artist, and I was in need of the ocean, and thus in 2023 I spent three weeks working on art and design projects for them, as well as working with the research teams on the water conducting research on sea lice and kelp.
Two projects are seen below: a new arrival sign and a sticker to represent their ongoing kelp-salmon research project.
The sticker design featuring juvenile pink and chum salmon with the Broughton islands, surrounded by a kelp habitat.
The original watercolour sketch.
Creating the new welcome sign for the field station dock.
The new welcome sign installed.
A beach seine capturing juvenile salmon to assess for sea lice.
Me, taking part in research! Taking measurements of kelp growth to assess the health of kelp habitats.
Metro Vancouver Regional District
North Vancouver, BC, 2019
There’s a trail in the mountains of North Vancouver that crosses from the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) into Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, and it was much in need of a sign to orient the public.
I was brought on as a designer with experience in way-finding systems and environmental design to combine existing signage standards and create large kiosk maps, 26 You Are Here trail signs and a new brochure.
Lynn Headwaters Regional Park and LSCR sign located at the boundary point
One of 26 location specific 'You Are Here' signs posted within the LSCR
Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve main parking lot You Are Here sign
'Dog Mountain' trail sign located on Mt Seymour
In addition to signage, I designed a new brochure: side 1
Brochure side 2
Metro Vancouver Regional District
North Vancouver, BC, 2024
Family tours are offered in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve as a way to offer the public access into the watersheds that provide their drinking water. This was a graphic requested by the Watershed Education Coordinator to use as a teaching tool in which children can identify examples of water being wasted to encourage water conservation.
Metro Vancouver Regional District
North Vancouver, BC, 2017
In 2017 the MVRD was proposing to build two new bridges within the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Renderings were required by the Watershed Division to provide a visual to the media and the public.
I created four renderings of the new Seymour River suspension bridge and the pedestrian access bridge at Riverside Drive. The drawings appeared in the newspaper, on public signage and on the LSCR and MVRD websites.
Squamish Search and Rescue
Squamish, BC
I’ve been a member of SSAR since 2020. (That’s me in the Helly Hansen promotional photo.)
In addition to being an active response member, I’ve designed a hat, a buff, stickers, task data graphics, annual Christmas cards and thank you cards, floor plans and site plans. It takes a village to make volunteer rescue groups function at full capacity, so I’ve done a bit of everything.
2024 Holiday card: winter response team training at Kees and Claire hut in the Whistler backcountry
2023 Holiday card, 'Rescuing Christmas' on the Stawamus Chief
2022 Holiday card featuring an AStar helicopter commonly used in rescues
Watercolour rendering of a hypothetical new SSAR building for use at the team's AGM
SQUAMISH SEARCH AND RESCUE, 2020-2024. Image: Fundraiser sticker
Task data Visual: Tantalus Range 2019-2020
SSAR compound site plan
Spatial Analysis: Upper mezzanine in the SSAR compound
SSAR hat for team members
SSAR buff for team members
Public Art Calls
Whistler, Banff, Surrey, 2018 & 2024
I created 4 lamppost banner diptychs inspired by a quieter ecology than what is normally celebrated (large mammals), depicting waterways and their birds and fish.
Inspired by the wildflowers of the Bow Valley, I composed a painting to celebrate Cascade Mountain.
I’ve always thought bike racks should take inspiration from mountains - it’s the perfect opportunity for biomimicry.
Whistler, 2024: Lamppost banners inspired by a quieter ecology
Proposed lamppost banner 1
Proposed lamppost banner 2, sketch
Proposed lamppost banner 3, sketch
Proposed lamppost banner 4, sketch
Banff, 2018: "A Deliverance of Wildflowers" from Cascade Mountain - a watercolour painting
View of exhibition site in Banff with proposal
Surrey, 2018: Golden Ears mountain-inspired bike rack
North Shore Black Bear Society
North Vancouver, BC, 2021
In the summers I’ve taught Bear Awareness while working in various parks and reserves, and while with the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve, I worked with the North Shore Black Bear Society.
This lovely group of people work towards educating the public who live in proximity to bears - particularly in the neighbourhoods that creep up the mountain flanks. I was brought on to create a simple logo inspired by a beloved bear, Huckleberry, for use on their website and merchandise.
Elders Council for Parks in BC
North Vancouver, BC, 2019
Together with biologist Jeremy Appleton I co-created a landscape assessment report for the Elders Council for Parks in British Columbia, a non-profit supporting BC Parks operations.
I created the Landscape Assessment site plan
I co-created a Landscape Assessment report for a site in North Vancouver.